You’d think I should have those curtain panels made by now since it’s been a couple of weeks since the sunroom got painted and all I need to do is sew two pairs for two sets of windows, right? Well, in my defense, let me tell you why that hasn’t happened….
Last Tuesday I had a doctor appointment to follow up on an MRI I had done last October (yeah, it took me that long to finally go back to the doctor!). He said I have arthritis in my back, a bulging disc at L-4 and L-5 and sciatica nerve …oh the joys of aging! So the medicine he put me on is making me sooo sleepy and other side effects I won’t go into but I have no energy to tackle the curtain panels right now. I’m going to give that medicine 4 weeks and if it hasn’t kicked in by then, I’m going to call him back and see if he can prescribe something else.
Then on top of that my little grandson had a request that Mimi and Pop fix his toy box. Last year we reworked the old toy box that belonged to his mama and he has really enjoyed it. Here’s what it looked like while we were working on getting it ready for him to use

But boys being boys here’s what it looks like now…

I had no idea what to do but walking around at World Market (which, by the way is one of my favorite places to browse for ideas) I saw this….

It had a price tag of $179.00 which I would have been willing to pay but then I had a lightbulb moment and said to myself “Self, you can rebuild the top and add a couple of baskets, re-stain the toy box and for a LOT LESS, have the same thing” which is exactly what we’re going to attempt to do.
So Sunday afternoon after the race (which my husband is addicted to watching) we went to Home Depot and got a piece of wood, came home and he measured and cut it to fit which I think he did a darn good job of, if I do say so myself! (Look at those scribbles on the old top, those are from my grown children!)

I went back to World Market on Monday and found two basket to fit in the openings. Only problem is they are about 1/2” too big to fit inside but hubby is going to shave off a little on the sides of the box so the baskets will fit. Then I’ll take over and sand and stain the toy box.
Seems like we always have something to do that prevents us from finishing things around here….is it like that for you? But we don’t mind, especially when it involves those grandbabies. For instance, Monday I had a lunch date with my Birmingham granddaughter who was here for a few days at her other grandmother’s. I picked her up for lunch and we ate at McDonald’s.

Love these times together. Those curtain panels can wait….these babies can’t!