As you can see, we were 2 miles from our destination at 5:12 p.m. on Thursday afternoon. Call me dumb, but I didn't know that all the blue stuff on the screen was the ocean!!! Shannon pointed that out to me! 

Taylor (blue swimsuit) McKinley and DIL Jennifer

Now I've got to explain the next few pictures. We could not get into our condo until Friday so DIL went on line and found a "nice" motel for us to stay at Thursday night. She said it had great reviews and pictures and had recently been remodeled. Well, I don't know what they call "recently" but this place made the Bates Motel look like the Taj Mahal! The first thing that greeted us when we opened the door was a dead roach! Uck! I wanted to go to the office and get our money back but they had a "no refund" policy. So, when you see the cracked cement patio the girls are standing on, please know that this is not the kind of place we are used to!!

I told ya'll most of my pictures were of the girls! We didn't get to spend much time with my sister (Besty), her daughter Elizabeth and Betsy's grandson Mason because they stayed in a different condo but we got together to eat on Friday night and they went swimming with us Saturday.
I don't know where we'll spend the 2nd annual girl's trip but we have a year to decide. This coming weekend the my daughter and her husband are going to son and DIL for the weekend so MiMi and Pop will be keeping the twins!