Lately I have been incorporating green in my décor…it goes well with all my creams, khakis and blacks. I was lucky to find a pretty pair of green pillows and another lantern this week and love how these simple changes give me a whole new look.
Here’s my Easter/Spring mantle. I love, love, love my wreath. It’s not a boxwood but I think it looks like one. I made a simple burlap bow and hung it on the mirror with a Command Hook.

I kept my existing frames and added the books, bunny, nest and floral stems to the urn. I also dug out an old leopard buffet lamp to add to the mix. (Sorry about the cord showing, I should have tried to hide it!)

I’ve had the cute green bunny for several years….and I’ve been collecting green books at thrift shops for pennies!

LOVE the color of this urn….it is sooo heavy and stays up on the mantle year round

I love how it looks with the sun streaming in

I wish I was a better photographer so that you could see the richness of these pillows….they look kinda washed out here but they are a deep emerald green. Yes, they are velvet but I love them! I found them at World Market…two for the price of one! They were $9.99 each so I think I got a great deal. Before I saw these I picked up two other green linen pillows there that were $29.99 each…I was having a real conversation with myself about paying over $60 for a pair of pillows and I’m not sure I would have gone through with the purchase but when I saw these and they were buy one, get one, I quickly put the linen pillows back. (And yes, the lantern still has it’s price tag on…just forgot to cut it off!)

I love the color of this lantern. I passed it up at first but finally convinced myself it **had** to come home with me!

I added some mini-books and two little Dollar Tree bunnies inside….we’ll see how long that lasts when my little 2 1/2 year old grandson gets here!

Here’s my foyer table. I just put a nest under a cloche and added the cute bunny print to an existing frame

Nothing green here but I made a new little vignette in the kitchen. I forgot I had this basket so I was happy when I **found** it hidden under the sideboard in my dining room.

These are real eggs….we’ll probably have them tonight as deviled eggs! 

That’s all the Easter/Spring decorating I’ve done. What are some of your favorite colors to use this Spring? I’d love to know!