I’m joining Rhoda’s 2009 Top Projects Party. I certainly didn’t accomplish all I wanted to project-wise in 2009 but I am pretty happy about the ones I did get around to. So without further ado, let the party begin!
A few of the projects were done in 2008-2009 but since it’s my party, I decided I could include them anyway…

After my mini-kitchen redo in summer 2008, I made two of these zebra pillows for my white slipcovered chairs. (Don’t look too closely as I have still not sewed the ends together)

My Nell Hill inspired stamped napkins

This Ballard’s inspired shower curtain in my hubby’s bathroom was done in 2008. You can see my inspiration piece and how I made it here.

First big makeover of 2009 was the dining room. About 6 years ago when faux finishes were the big thing, hubby and I painted and glazed our dining room and foyer. After being influenced by the “Something’s Go To Give” dining room, I added these pre-made picture frame moldings and painted the dining room in two complementary creamy tones.

My mahogany table, chairs and sideboard just pop off the antique white! Also added lots of cremeware.
Read about the dining room makeover here.

To go along with my dining room makeover were my drop cloth drapes. Talk about bang for your buck! Please read all about my drop cloth drapes here.
Added vinyl numbers to my Plain Jane front door…
Much better!
Found several unfinished frames at mom’s when she moved out. Painted them black and got white mats and plastic glaze (cheaper than glass) and went from this……
….to this
….then to a family collage wall in the kitchen
Added this auction purchased bench to the front porch and painted it black. Then I made the burlap and stenciled pillow to dress it up. You can see the step-by-step process here.
The beginning of the school year brought the need for a little organizing at my daughter’s house. I made the coat rack for the kid’s backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. and we hung it along her back hallway.

I also got these cute little containers at Dollar General and added their names for school papers. Here’s where I blogged about the coat rack.
Nothing wrong with this white shabby table but…..
I stained the top and love the way it turned out. This is on hubby’s side of the bed and I haven’t shown pics cause it’s loaded down with his sleep apnea machine, alarm clock, and other man stuff, but trust me, it looks good.

And finally I finished this sideboard just at the end of 2009. This is the beginning of my sunroom makeover which is set to begin any day now…..just as soon as I decide on a paint color! This room will be similar to the dining room….lots of creamy tones, seagrass rug, billowy drapes with a twist. Can’t wait to get started.
That’s about it. I may have left off a small project or two but looking back, I did get more done than I thought.
This year I’m hoping to get more organized. Plus, I’m looking forward to starting my 3rd year of blogging. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
Here’s to a blog-a-licious 2010!