Today it's been 4 weeks since my surgery! It's been a rough road from time to time but I'm getting better every day. I wish I could personally thank each and every one of you that sent prayers my way....they were truly felt and appreciated. My husband has been an outstanding caregiver, but ya'll, the man can't cook or clean! I'm going to engage a cleaning company to help me for about a month.
I know in some parts of the country it's still frigid cold and snow still on the ground but it's been absolutely gorgeous here for the past few days. We have our windows opened up and last night we grilled out....just sitting outside in the sunshine does my soul good.
I do want to make one comment about my health situation. A good blog friend was kind enough to mention that I was having surgery on her blog and someone made a comment that it all seemed so "mysterious". I have chosen not to share publicly what type of surgery I had as it was not life or death (or cancer) but still was considered major surgery which will require a few months of recovery. So I was a bit taken aback by that comment....all my blog friend asked for was prayers and thoughts being sent my way. Maybe I'm being too sensitive about the comment but it just hit me the wrong way. Oh well, I hope this clears up any "mystery" about my health issues.
Again, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your prayers.

I know in some parts of the country it's still frigid cold and snow still on the ground but it's been absolutely gorgeous here for the past few days. We have our windows opened up and last night we grilled out....just sitting outside in the sunshine does my soul good.
I do want to make one comment about my health situation. A good blog friend was kind enough to mention that I was having surgery on her blog and someone made a comment that it all seemed so "mysterious". I have chosen not to share publicly what type of surgery I had as it was not life or death (or cancer) but still was considered major surgery which will require a few months of recovery. So I was a bit taken aback by that comment....all my blog friend asked for was prayers and thoughts being sent my way. Maybe I'm being too sensitive about the comment but it just hit me the wrong way. Oh well, I hope this clears up any "mystery" about my health issues.
Again, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your prayers.