This headboard project has only taken me, let’s see, four months to complete! In my defense, I’m just gonna say it’s due to bad weather and no motivation to do anything!
Last summer son and I started working on granddaughter’s bedroom in Birmingham. We got the walls painted and I made her a couple of picture frames and then I was supposed to get her bed painted but then new little grandson was born, football season came along, then the holidays and a cold winter dreary winter so this project got put on the back burner.
They turned the upstairs children’s den/office into her big girl room. Of course it looks a lot different now, her bed (minus a headboard) is in the room and all her toys. I took these pictures the day we finished painting. My inspiration was from Melaine’s daughter’s old bedroom at My Sweet Savannah. Melaine has since updated her daughter’s room to a more grown up room.

Paint colors are Brown Teepee and some kind of pink that has “Shrimp” in the name…..I’ll have to get that!

The feature wall is the pink and brown stripe, two walls are Brown Teepee and the wall opposite the striped wall is done in the shrimp pink color.
Back in January we had a nice sunny day and I took the bed outside to sand, prime and got one coat of paint on. Then it sat in the sunroom until this past week and I was determined to finish it.

This bed is a family piece that I inherited from my uncle when he passed away several years ago. He had a houseful of antique furniture and my siblings and I divided them up. This bed was in an upstairs bedroom in his home in North Carolina. It was stored in my son’s house and then DIL wanted to use it for McKinley’s bedroom when she graduated from her baby bed to a big girl bed.
I’m going to be in Birmingham for a few days next week babysitting and in addition to getting the bed up, I’m planning on making curtains for this room. We’ll be using plain white sheets and some kind of material as a border. Once I get that done, the room will be complete and we can move on to finishing her baby brother’s room, which was also started last fall! Well, they do live 100 miles away and they have very busy lives so when we go visit, it’s usually for just the day, not enough time to finish any projects.
So here’s the (finally!) finished headboard. I primed it and then it took several coats to completely cover. I also added a cute wooden applique that I literally took off the wall! The one I bought was too dinky and small for the headboard so I tried out the one I ended up using and it works perfectly! Hopefully next time you see the bed it will be installed in McKinley’s room and curtains will be made….yay!

Here it is propped up against the back of my loveseat in my still UNFINISHED sun room….hopefully I’ll get around to working on that room sometime in this century!

(please disregard all the stuff in here….the grandkids play with their toys in here while they are at our house and I still have some of my mama’s stuff stored in this room as well). One thing’s for sure….those red walls will be outta here! (I just noticed the scrape on the bottom of the “leg”…I’ll have to fix that)

I think the applique adds the finishing touch to the headboard

No styling going on in here….just pure mess….but I wanted you to see the finished headboard
(The color is “Popped Corn” by Behr)
Also, since Spring if finally here, I got out my basket I bought last year on our annual fall trip and stuck in some hydrangas, greenery and a little bird’s nest and hung it on the front door.

You might be a redneck if you park your car in the yard! See the bald spots in our yard? I’m hoping the grass fairy will sprinkle some grass seeds around this year

I thought these hydrangas looked so real

Little bird’s nest tucked in among the flowers
I also have a little announcement regarding Weigh Less Wednesdays. For whatever reason, I didn’t have many participants
….but I had a free trial period with the linky thing. So for right now I’m not going to be hosting Weigh Less Wednesdays and paying for the linky services. That may change in the future but for now, we won’t be having that link on Wednesdays. Thank you to everyone who made comments and shared recipes. I’m still on WW and doing pretty good, the important thing is I’m losing weight!
Hope everyone has a great week!