Monday morning will find my sister and I heading to the beach for a full week of fun in the sun, eating, shopping, girl talk, room service, and just plain ol' fun. After the month I've had, I am going to thoroughly enjoy my time at the beach.
See ya'll later!
I'm a Southern girl who loves my family and home. Born and raised in the Deep South, I have a great respect for our heritage and try in my own little way to keep the Southern lifestyle alive and well! I'm happily married to a wonderful man and we have two grown children and four grandchildren who are the love of our lives! I hope you enjoy your visit to my Southern home and as we say here in Dixie, ya'll come back now, ya hea!
Chicken Gyro
I’m obsessed with the marinade from this easy Greek Chicken Gyro recipe.
The chicken is so good! Eat it in a pita or serve it over a big salad.
Chicken Gyr...
Our Annual Mardi Gras Dinner
Lent is in full swing, but I never did share our festive 2025 Mardi Gras
dinner! It’s one of our favorite meals of the year. New Orleans School of
Cooking ...
The Mister's Nest Kitchen
I hope all is well in your world. I have been blogging for thirteen years
and there is one request from my readers that has remained constant.
Coming Soon / Sugarplum Spring Edit!
We made it, friends!! The clocks have changed, the days are getting longer
(and warmer!), and Spring is finally around…
The post Coming Soon / Sugarplum ...
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
What a week it has been! Melanie’s book hit #5 on the New York Times
bestseller list, I got a new HVAC unit (not as exciting, but still,
significant), and ...
A Swan Planter in Our Entryway
Good morning! I hope your weekend is off to a nice start. I can’t believe
it’s finally March and spring is in sight! I love getting fresh tulips
from Tr...
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
* this home office built from Billy bookshelves from Home on Harbor
* you may need this dryer hack if your lint catcher won't go down all the
* th...
Our Vision Therapy Experience
[image: vision therapy evaluation]
In the fall of 2023 Owen, then age 9, was diagnosed with multiple vision
impairments. The suggested treatment was visi...
To Everything There Is a Season
If the holidays don’t make returning to a life of productivity a big enough
challenge, add a first grandbaby in the mix and you’ll *really* have
trouble ...
Ragu Bianco with Pasta
[image: Ragu Bianco with Pasta]
While we were in Tuscany, we stayed at Il Borro, a historic village and
country estate turned resort. Of course, we loved...
The RSS feed URL you're currently using will
stop working shortly. Please add /rss at the and of the URL, so that the
URL w...
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
On this episode Sophie and I discuss her recent trip to NYC: why Tedeschi
Trucks Band is the best ever, all the wonderful things about the hotel
where she ...
A Letter for My Mom
A letter to all of you, my mom's beloved readers and dear friends, from her
daughter Abbey:
I am heartbroken to write this. Our beloved mom, Sarah, pass...
Park City Utah
When we first had babies, one of my dreams was that when they each turned
13 - I wanted to take them on a special trip - just them and Scott and I.
I wa...
Friday favorites & some exciting news!
*Hello and happy Friday my friends!*
*I have some very exciting news to share with you all, so be sure to read
this post in it's entirety. *
*I am going...
fragrance faves on sale + delicious pasta recipe
Hey friends, popping in to share two things: an easy and tasty pasta
recipe and a roundup of my favorite fragrances that are on sale right now
that are PE...
spring finds | blue + rattan + gingham
Well, this is unexpected, two blog posts in the same weekend!! Especially
after my radio silence for the last 4.5 months! Chalk it up to spring air!
Spring Tour in the Sun Room
The sun room has gone through a couple of changes again with a new jute rug
and a colorful textured ottoman that I just love. Oh, and some color has
My Organized Pantry
My pantry is a jack of all trades!
It is a food pantry, a dish pantry and flower arranging pantry, depending
on what door you open.
Behind Door #1 is o...
Our 2019 Christmas Home Tour ...
Greetings, friends!
Oh my goodness, can you believe that Christmas is one week from today?! I
can't ... time is going by too quickly! Well, before the ...
Annual Gingerbread House Decorating Party
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
That's right! It's Gingerbread House Decorating time!!
Every year for the past five years, we ladies get togethe...
Hi friends! I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. I post a
little more often over on instagram so if you want to see what I'm up to
from time...
Happy 29th Birthday to Our First Born~
Happy 29th Birthday!
29 years ago, on January 3rd in the wee hours of the morning, God blessed
us with our first child. 29 years later she continues to ...
My Fifteen Favorites - Christmas Wish List
Happy Shopping Friends!
We've super-sized 'My Five Favorites' this month and are sharing our
Fifteen Favorites,
including some of our personal Christmas ...
What I have read lately
My apologies for not posting for a week. I have been battling a serious
illness for over a year now. I was completely better and now I have
regressed aga...
Find me
*Hello friends,*
Many have asked about the blog
and if I plan to come back and blog again!
I decided to answer this question here
in case anyone els...
Spring Cleaning the Easy Way
I've partnered with *Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain Remover*.
The Spring Cleaning Tips are all mine!
Spring Cleaning is one of those phrases that I tend t...
A Designers Eye
Im Back! Sorry I haven't been posting as often as I would like. Been busy.
Here is just a quick post for you to see what I have been up to. I plan to
Rita Chan Interiors
It's all sun and sea in this SoCal home by Rita Chan Interiors, a Manhattan
Beach interior designer known for her clean, coastal style! Fi...
My girl is 12. On the verge of being a teenager. Sigh....
I get beside myself thinking we only have 6 short years before she will be
off to college. ...
*White Peach and Blueberry Crisp*
*Belle of Georgia, White Lady, Southern Pearl… the list goes on and on!
Until I found a few White Peaches at a roadside market that didn’t have a
name… bu...
I have been keeping a secret for a few months... and it has been hard not
to give it away! Thank goodness I can finally tell you today!!!
After 4 1/2 y...
Join Me On My New Blog: Bravehearted Beauty
This is the day!
My last post as LLH Designs and my first post in a new space.
Introducing my new blog:
See you the...
Love Always, Michelle
[image: 2011-12-013]
After her last post, Michelle underwent a painful chemo regiment that she
ended up having a bad reaction to. Subsequent scans revealed...
Judy, I pray you have a wonderful time with your sister. Relax and enjoy the downtime. Well deserved!!!
I am so jealous I can hardly stand sure deserve it after the last bit of time. xo Diana
Sounds like a great trip, Judy! Have fun!
I'm jealous, too! Have a wonderful time.
Hope you have a great trip! The beach sounds really nice right about now.
Judy, this sounds like a fun time! I hope you enjoy every minute of it!
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