It seems like all I do lately is post "debby downer" stories but that's the reality of my life. I love a good decorating post as much as the next girl but since my "job" for the last 4+ years has been my 94 year old mother's caregiver, decorating, DIY-ing and other "fun" things don't always fit in. And while being a caregiver is sometimes an overwhelming and thankless task, being able to see that my mom is happy and in the best place, as strange as it may sound, I'm grateful I have this time with my mama.
Okay, so with that being said, here's what is happening around here this week. A little mom turned 94 years old on June 22nd. The very next week she started going downhill quick, to the point that the director at her assisted living thought it might be helpful to have her sent to an out of town hospital for elderly patients to run extensive tests to see what might be causing her depression and other symptoms she was exhibiting. She was transported to the hospital this past Monday...and let me say here that God always goes before us to meet our needs no matter where we are....the town where she was sent is where my sister lives and in fact she was the social worker at the hospital mama was sent to so she knew all the right folks there. The staff and personnel were so very kind to her and took their time in answering our questions and putting us at ease. It was found that her potassium levels were very low so that was treated and by Monday evening and Tuesday morning she was more like her "old" self....which is a good thing! So now the plan is to put her into a rehab facility back here at home (in fact she's on her way here right now) to try and build up her strength a little bit. Then she can go back to her "home" at her assisted living residence...that's our hope. So please forgive me if I don't have any pretty pictures or wonderful DIY projects to share like I have in the past but right now my focus is my mama. I know all of you understand as you have shown me such wonderful support in the years I have posted about my mama.
And on top of all this, I developed a pretty severe rash on my stomach and back. I went to see my doctor yesterday and he said it most likely is related to stress! I don't like to take any kind of medicine but he thought it might be helpful if I had something for anxiety and stress to take from time to time, as needed. I took 1/2 a tablet yesterday and it did seem to help me. It's not something I will take on a daily basis but only as I feel that I need to.
I want to thank all of you that let me know you have our family in your prayers.

Okay, so with that being said, here's what is happening around here this week. A little mom turned 94 years old on June 22nd. The very next week she started going downhill quick, to the point that the director at her assisted living thought it might be helpful to have her sent to an out of town hospital for elderly patients to run extensive tests to see what might be causing her depression and other symptoms she was exhibiting. She was transported to the hospital this past Monday...and let me say here that God always goes before us to meet our needs no matter where we are....the town where she was sent is where my sister lives and in fact she was the social worker at the hospital mama was sent to so she knew all the right folks there. The staff and personnel were so very kind to her and took their time in answering our questions and putting us at ease. It was found that her potassium levels were very low so that was treated and by Monday evening and Tuesday morning she was more like her "old" self....which is a good thing! So now the plan is to put her into a rehab facility back here at home (in fact she's on her way here right now) to try and build up her strength a little bit. Then she can go back to her "home" at her assisted living residence...that's our hope. So please forgive me if I don't have any pretty pictures or wonderful DIY projects to share like I have in the past but right now my focus is my mama. I know all of you understand as you have shown me such wonderful support in the years I have posted about my mama.
And on top of all this, I developed a pretty severe rash on my stomach and back. I went to see my doctor yesterday and he said it most likely is related to stress! I don't like to take any kind of medicine but he thought it might be helpful if I had something for anxiety and stress to take from time to time, as needed. I took 1/2 a tablet yesterday and it did seem to help me. It's not something I will take on a daily basis but only as I feel that I need to.
I want to thank all of you that let me know you have our family in your prayers.
Great to hear from you, Judy! Prayers your way! xo
Don't feel bad Judy! Life happens, doesn't it. I haven't been doing any projects either. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. xo
Don't ever worry about not posting the pretty pictures. I love that you can come to us so openly and share. I know so many going through what you are. Taking care of an elderly parent. We are so fortunate that my MIL is in good health and still living on her own in MI...she will be 96 in August. However, this past year saw changes for her since she can no longer drive. It is hard being so far away. Will be praying for you and she!!
so good to see an update and so wonderful that your sweet mama is feeling better.
we are here, pretty pictures or not, to support and pray for you so no need to apologize for anything. take care of that rash and yourself too.
Praying for you and your mom. When I read potassium, I knew that would do the trick for her. :) Amazing how our hormones affect our emotions! I hope your aggravating rash clears up quickly. Do not apologize for no projects. Your mother is the most important project in your life right now. :)
Make no apologies for having to put decorating and DIY projects on the back burner! Taking care of your family is the most important thing right now. I'm glad to hear that the doctors think they have found the reason for her depression. I hope she continues to improve.
Sending hugs and prayers to you and yours!!!!!
God bless you and yours!
sending prayers and hugs....pat h
Judy, Taking care of an elderly parent is difficult. My 88 year old dad lives with us and at times it is very challenging. You don't need to apologize for not blogging. Just take care of yourself and enjoy every moment with your mother.
I enjoyed my 98 year old Father in my home for 3 plus years till this past spring when he fell and broke a hip and several weeks later passed away. What an honor!
Oh yeah rashes, itching, headaches, can all be symptoms of stress.
Hang in there.
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