Right now I'm seeing
red! Don't know what's happening with my blog and I'm hoping these posts are going through or I'm just talking to myself.....I can get to the dashboard of my blog but I can't view my blog, read comments, post in Windows Live Writer, etc.!!!!! I was hoping I'd hear from my computer guy last night but he still hasn't called! The funny thing is I can see my header and stuff on the left side of my blog, but no posts and nothing on the right side! Has anyone ever had this problem? I've gone into Tools and Internet Options (as google recommended) and done everything there I possibly can. I know it's a problem on my home computer b/c I can see it on my work computer.
At least I can keep up with reading other blogs. While it's very frustrating to not be able to see my blog and read comments, I am getting some things done around the house. Hubby is working a softball tournament this weekend and that gives me lots of free time. Tonight my mom and I have a "date" to go out and eat.
Hope to be back soon!
I actually have had a hard time seeing certain blogs and yours is one. I switched to using Safari as my browser when I want to look at blogs instead of Internet Explorer. Not sure why but I can see the blogs when I use Safari. I don't know what web browser you use and I am not sure why it is only some blogs that are affected.
I can see you just fine - I use Firefox. Hope everything is fixed soon for you. Sally
I can see you. I've had serious problems lately too. Just picked up our computer today from the Geek Squad. Hope to be up and running quickly.
the only problem I've ever had with your blog, Judy, is the size of the font and placement of some of your pics ~ hate you're having a problem! The last two posts have come through just fine and the font size is normal :)
I've had a few problems with Blogger lately too. I usually set my posts up to publish at 12:01 am, and for the past week I've had to manually publish them.
I can see your blog fine and have been over a few times this week with no problem. In the past I have had issues that were caused by an appliance I added on. I noticed you have a large advertisement on your right sidebar, maybe try taking it off and seeing if it makes a difference. In my case some people could not access my site. Good luck, and I love your drop cloth drapes, but I already told you that!
I have a hard time accessing some of the blogs. I think it has to do wtih the followers gadget thingy (LOL)and Internet Explorer. I have no problems when I use Google Chrome. I read on another blog that she had to place her Followers gadget at the bottom of her blog so I did that mine. LOL I hope things straighten up soon because I really like using IE.
Take care,
I can see you fine. There's nothing fancy . . . just black writing against a white background. I use Safari on a Mac. I've never had a problem with your site except the size of your font but I can make it bigger at this end so no problem.
It's me again. I just wanted to make sure you knew what I mean. I do see your background and pictures. It all looks good.
I can see you just fine. I use firefox. Have a nice weekend. Linda
Oh, I'm so sorry for your troubles! I can see you! I use Firefox and I really don't have as much trouble! Good luck
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I can see your blog just fine. I have had this problem myself before...I cannot view Social Climbers blog...don't understand it!
Try logging into your blog with a different browser....if you normally use Internet Explorer, try Firefox. I'm using Explorer and can see your blog fine, but a long time ago I had the same issue with my blog and had to upgrade to a newer version of Blogger. Good luck!
How frustrating! I was going to say what a few others did, that it might help to try using a different browser, like Firefox. Sounds like a lot of people have been having Blogger issues lately, though. Hope it's working for you again soon!
I hope you find out what is wrong! I use Firefox for viewing blogs. When I use Internet Explorer, I have problems. IE works for everything else, but not the blogs. At least for me.
Try Firefox...I see everything just fine.
:) Diane
I am using firefox and have no issues seeing your blog completely. However, last night I used blogger to post. This am all H#@* broke loose and no one could see much of anything. Codes were all capoot, it said I had html errors, so I ended taking the post off, period. No one could post, and I kept staring at the screen wondering why no one liked me today. I could see the post I had done on my computer, but everyone else(as I later found out) saw gibberish and partial posts, and no sidebar items.... AAAAHHHHHH...... I re-posted with live writer, like I usually do- don't know why I used blogger last nite) and everything came out fine. I'm just short comments, now. LOL Maybe people will come back. hope hope.... do you use writer at all? Try it, you'll like it- remember Mikey?
good luck!
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