March 24, 2012

Update on My Mom

My mom came through her surgery on Thursday like a trooper!    While they didn’t put her sleep (totally) they did get her so relaxed that during recovery she asked me if it was over….so she was pretty much out of it during the procedure.    If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, my 92 year old mom broke her arm in two places back in January and has worn a cast for 10 weeks…one bone healed but the other did not.     It was a very nasty break and the orthopedic surgeon said he had no option but to operate.    We were all understandably worried as the doctor was very unhappy about having to try and put plates and screws in her arm.    The analogy he used was trying to put plates and screws in rotted wood as opposed to solid oak.    He said that when he went in and grabbed the bone around her wrist area it crumbled!     But he was able to get two plates in her bones and now, in his words, we hope for the best.     She will wear a splint on her arm 4-6 weeks more, depending on how the bones heal.     So we wait and continue pray.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who took the time to leave me a comment and assurances of thoughts and prayers.    I know that while we all love to see everyone’s beautiful homes and great projects, it never ceases to amaze me how bloggers come out in force to support one another with encouragement and prayers when need be.     You will never know how much it meant to me, and my extended family, to know we had prayers offered up for our mom.

On a much different and lighter note, my daughter and her husband left this afternoon for a week in Savannah and their twins left with the other grandmother for a week at the beach!    What are we gonna do without our babies?     I’ve already called my daughter on the road to track their progress and sent her an e-mail with a little project I did this afternoon for the twins….are we wimps or what?!?!

I started a little Easter/Spring decorating outside today.     I still haven’t put anything out inside the house and I may not…..and I’m okay with that.    I’ll just fix the grandchildren some Easter goodies and call it a day.

Hope you all are having your share of this wonderful spring weather as we are…


  1. I am so glad your Mom came through the surgery okay. It is sad though that her bones are in such bad shape. God bless her and I will continue to pray for a good recovery for her.

    I finally gave myself a pep talk and went down and dug my Easter things out for the grandkids! I am such a sucker...but it is done and it is cheery, I must say. So, I am glad I did it.

    Hope you can get some rest this weekend...even though your "babies" are at the beach without you! xo Diana

  2. Such a wonderful blessing to have the surgery over with. I will continue to pray that it all works. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  3. Judy,
    Happy to hear that she did okay and I hope it will heal just fine. Yes...I am enjoying this beautiful weather...don't me mad at me...spent the day at the beach. Mary Claire came home and just had to go:)


  4. what a relief to hear your mom did so well, I hope that she heals quickly and without complication! Have a nice weekend.

  5. Judy, this is a wonderful outcome for your mother and I wish all the very best for you and your family.

  6. I'm so glad to hear your Mom's surgery went well. I've only done some Spring decorating this year. I've been consentrating on cleaning and organizing. I hope you have a nice weekend!

  7. I am in the same place as you with my sweet Mama. She is not doing very well, however, and the outlook is very grim indeed. I wrote about her on one of my blogs finding it to be therapeutic and possibly helpful to another person in the same place.
    If you'd like to read my story it's at
    Good thoughts your way of healing for your Mama and strength for you.


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