July 30, 2008

Cheers for Caty

This is a little different post for me but something I felt compelled to do. I received an e-mail tonight from a fellow blogger, Amy at 3cheers4mom. You can go to her blog and read about her daughter's friend Caty. It seems that Caty, who is 13 years old, has recently been diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma. Now I don't have a clue what Ewings Sarcoma is, but Amy tells a little about it on her blog. From what I understand, Caty has already started her chemo treatments. When Caty found out she had this form of cancer, she shared with her friends that she believed her purpose on earth is to bring others closer to God. Just before starting her chemo, Caty had her beautiful red hair cut off to donate to "Locks of Love." What an amazing young lady.

Amy is asking that as many people as can to write Caty and send her "cheers" during her ordeal. If you feel as moved by Caty's story as I have been, and you would like to write Caty, you can send your cards and/or letters to the following address:

Cheers for Caty
2935 Thousand Oaks #6-220
San Antonio, Texas 78247

I would also ask that you add sweet Caty to your prayer list and the prayer list at your church.

We all know the power of prayer....let's let Caty know she has a lot of folks "cheering her on" in this difficult time for her.

Thank you


  1. An amazing post girl..and and even more amazing young girl! Sometimes younger folks can put us older folks to shame with their faith and courage...I will call her name dear friend...thanks for making us aware of this awesome young girl!

  2. I hat that so many have to go through this. Love the post. I have had several of my family that had cancer. It is a special young lady that has a road ahead of her. I am also a hairdresser and have had customers donate too. Kathy

  3. Caty sounds like a wonderful young woman with great maturity and wisdom. I wish her all the very best as she heads through treatment and pray that she'll feel the Lord very near. He is the Great Physician and the Great Comforter. Sounds as if she's well on her way to helping others as she yields her life to the Holy Spirit to work through her even in this trial. Thank you for telling us about her.

  4. Hi Judy!

    Thanks ever so much for visiting my new blog. I was so excited to get home from work and see that BJ that sweetheart had scooted everyone over to see me. It's great meeting back up with all our old RMS friends. I've actually been to you blog dozens of times but didn't leave a message. Now that I feel like I'm part of blogland I'll be driving you all nuts with my stupid comments on your blogs!

  5. Bless her little heart...I will surely add her to my prayer list. It is a nice thing for you to let us all know what to pray for...thank you, Judy.
    If possible, pls. let us know how she is doing.
    love, bj

  6. Hi,
    This is Amy’s daughter Morgan!
    And words can’t not even describe how ecstatic I am to see Caty’s story get out and touch the lives of many other families.
    Thank you so much for putting her on your blog, it means the world to us!
    Keep her in your prayers!

  7. Thank you for letting us know about Caty! I, too cut off all of my thick blonde hair before my 1st chemo treatment, & gave it to LOL, smartest move I've ever made! I will definitely send Caty a card of encouragement!

  8. What a courageous young lady! I will keep her in my prayers.

  9. Thanks, Judy, for the heads up!


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