September 30, 2015

Prayers for Elijah

I try and keep this blog a happy place but there's something on my heart I need to share. I recently found out little 10 year old Elijah Aschbrenner was diagnosed with Epitheliod Sarcoma cancer in May 2014.   I don't pretend to know or understand what that is but there is no good cancer.

This precious young man is the son of a girl my son knew and dated in high school.   His mama was one of my "favorite" girlfriends my son dated but their relationship never progressed beyond friendship.

There is a Facebook page devoted to little Elijah and if you have the time please visit it and offer your prayerful support for this sweet boy and his family. I also understand that his story was featured on the Today show this week (I think Monday) and that Cam Newton, my favorite Auburn quarterback (now playing for the Carolina Panthers) made a special visit to Elijah.

Please remember this precious family in your thoughts and prayers.  

September 29, 2015

Computer Problems

Well, it's been a while since my last post.   My computer died and I had to get a new one.   I had to get all my photos from the old computer transferred to the new one, plus I'm still trying to learn how to use Windows 10.   

Going through some of my old photos, I found this picture from a few years ago of our twin grandchildren....hard to believe they are 11 years old now! 

 I have done a project or two and will be sharing that along with my fall decorating soon.    Please don't give up on me yet!